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About Me

I'm Dakota Gallimore, a super passionate full-stack Senior Cloud Engineer and go getter. I bring a unique blend of business and Software Engineering into the cloud-based development world. Having a vast background allows me to tackle every aspect of the software development life-cycle, from client relationship to scalable software. Never content with my current knowledge, I work to stay up on industry trends and technologies, pushing my skills to the limit.

I'm currently pursuing a carrer in scalable microservices with my next certifications geared towards the Kubernetes Administrator and Google Cloud Engineer Certifications.



Passionate full-stack programmer that loves coffee. I'm considered outgoing by my peers with a good sense of humor. I'm also highly creative and not afraid of a whiteboard. Being a detailed oriented person, I'm capable of formulating detailed designs at all layers, large and small. I tend to favor OOD principles and black box design as they allow for clean design and well defined software implementations. I'm always in search of expanding my knowledge and prefer to take on rolls that have never been done before as the challenge excites me.



My mission is simple, to join revolutionary teams in creating revolutionary software.


During college, I did not know what I wanted to do, other than programming. About two years into college I found my passion, mobile programming. At the time, our teachers had the students creating DOS programs, I wanted to create something someone would use, then I found Android. From there I took it upon myself to learn Android and created tons of apps to help me with them. I loved it. Then as I was prepping to launch my first app (an emotional roller coaster for sure) I had something hit me. If every app developer contributed a dollar to charity we could solve world hunger, which lead me to pursue Dreams.Build a Rewards-based crowdfunding platform focused around giving back. At the start of 2017 I launched in 23 countries, helping companies define their technology offerings, putting my Software Engineering and client relationship skills to the test. As 2017 came to a close, I began work at 1901Group, where we pioneered transforming legacy Oracle systems into microservice offerings. Since then I've been a major advocate for all things Kubernetes or microservice oriented.

Don't just take my word for it, take theirs.

Certified Solutions Architect and K8s Application Developer

Want to see some source code?

Check out my Github page!

  • All
  • Websites
  • Android and Glass
  • Projects in Python

Rewards-based International Crowdfunding Platform

Rewards-based crowdfunding platform servicing projects in 23 countries, allowing creators to host digital files, use Two-Stage funding, and monthly charity donations. The platform is built on Wordpress. Decommissioned and offered as open-source.

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Visual E-Learning Google Glass
Visual Language Learning

Google Glass

Visual Language Learning

Google Glass

App uses the Google Glass platform to allow a user to learn a foriegn language by taking pictures. Using the Alchemy API, users recieve contextual text to match a picture they just took. Then the app will translate the text into another language in real-time.

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WYSIWYG Editor for Android

I created protofy to understand the Android UI. Protofy is also one of my first Android apps. Developers can use Protofy to quickly create draft layout xml for their apps completely offline.

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R&D Activity-based music player

Another early on Android app that helped me understand how to interact with Android sensors, runtime efficiency and the activity lifecycle. The app allows users to train an activity and then play music specific to that activity. The app can then switch activities/music on the fly.

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Python Web Crawler
Web Crawler


Web Crawler


Just a one file python 3 based web crawler. It's a bit impolite and could use some manners.

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Python Web Crawler
Kalman Filter


Kalman Filter


Kalman Filters are excellent for running predictability models. Using this kalman filter you can predict where an object is going to be given the velocity stays constant.

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Published Papers

Within my career, I've work with fellow programmers to have papers published in Software Engineering and R&D Google Glass.

Want to grab some coffee and talk? Let me know. I'm always up to learn about new opportunities!
If you'd like, you can see my portfolio in an Android app here.

Christiansburg, VA 24073
